Monday, 4 July 2011

Opal Country 28th June 2011

Mitchell to Morven saw the most road kill so far. Charleville en route to Quilpie we see lots of emus, hawks and our first eagle.
Quilpie comes from the aboriginal work for "stone curlew" which is a large ground dwelling bird. It is also home to the "The Jewel of the Outback", the exquisite boulder opal. In Quilpie, we see lots of murals (apparently 45 of them).

The kids particularly liked the "Footrot Flats" mural outside the picture theatre.

Visit St Finbarr's Church where Father John Ryan was responsible for organising the opal inserts in the Lectern, Altar and Font in 1976.

Between Quilpie and Cooper Creek we come across  a 1.5 km dual lane road to be used for emergency aircraft landing (not sure who would use that lol).
Make it to Cooper Creek for camp, a magical peaceful place with amazing scenery.

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