Sunday, 10 July 2011

Alice to Uluru, Wednesday 6th July 2011

We slept through the alarm but still managed to get away at a reasonable time. Packing up is getting easier as we go. As we travelled closer to Uluru it started to rain!! According to the Alice Springs information center there hasn't been any rain out here for the last month. That's why we are the Rayners ( rainers ).
We stopped for lunch at Erldunda  roadhouse where it was a balmy 11 degrees at 1230. A large bag of hot chips and a loaf of bread out of the back of the car made for a quick hot meal that disappeared quicker than a grey nomad off to the next town.
We didn't get tricked into mistaking Mt Conner for Uluru, only because Marie had read about it earlier on during the day. Mount Conner is larger than Uluru and often causes excitement in tourists for the wrong reason.
 Further down the track we did get excited when we caught our first glimpses of the Rock and the Olgas in the distance. We arrived at Yulara which is a purpose built  community that was created to serve the needs of the tourists who flock to see Uluru. We quickly set up our tents and jumped back in the car to set off for the sunset  viewing area. Unfortunately you need sun for a sunset and as it was hiding behind the clouds we will try again tomorrow.

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